Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Eaton Family

All the Eaton's were together for the holiday because of these two "Love Birds." Sandra was a beautiful Bride and She got a good one, Brent just went with the flow (smart man;) ....The wedding was so nice and we were so happy that we were able to be there.
I didn't get many at the temple because Chloe wouldn't let me put her down(Don't worry Sandra Kara was snapping away and I do have a few :)
The week went by so fast and the kids had a blast playing with cousins. Chloe on the other had was done and ready to go home to her bed...I realized on the plane ride home that her molars were coming through and that was probably why she was extra clingy. It just gets so hard when you have a belly in the way! She got used to Daddy being around and has been fussing for him a lot the past few days. Well, Life is busy around here and I am feeling way overwhelmed to get everything done before Christmas....The whole being pregnant things really slows me down! I can't beileve that She will be here in February that seems so close...I am not ready yet! I am really nervous how I am going to do FOUR I feel stretched already.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Novemeber already!

I really can not beileve how fast time is going. Life is Busy with the three it seems like most days are filled to over flowing. Michael has been busy with school but things are starting to slow down a bit. He recently traveled to New Jersey to interveiw with Honeywell for an internship for the summer. It has been hard to be thinking that far ahead.....it's been a whirl wind of interviews and networking but it paid off. He was extend an offer too intern with the company. So it looks like we will get to spend the summer in Morristown, NJ. We are excited and grateful for the amazing opportunity and feel very blessed to have secured and internship so early in the year.

Seth is doing amazing! I recently had a parent Teacher conference and his teacher said that "Seth is my Shining student!" She had nothing but great things to say about what a great kid Seth is and how kind he is to he fellow classmates. I feel like he is spoiling me with how easy he is. He can sit down and do his homework without help and has been able to get 100's on all his spelling tests (and I forget to quiz him on them.)
Interview with teacher:
Favorite part of school: writing, Math and computers.
Hardest part of school: nothing
Who are your favorite friends: Joe B,. Matthew, Lauren, Sarayne
He has started taking piano and is doing very well. Seth surprises me everyday with what a great kid he is but he can also be such a challenge! He drives me absolutely batty because he is always bored!! He obsesses over things (which has been helpful in some areas like school) he will want to do somethings over and over to the point of no control....usually the computer or xbox. we love him anyway;)

Silly Sydney, sometimes I am not sure where this girl is. She has the biggest imagination that I just don't get!! Her funniest thing is she likes to collect the oddest things....Like candy wrappers and tiny pieces of paper( aka trash) but she will also have a rock and a toy or two. when I try to throw it away she gets so upset! She has a reason behind each item in her collection. She is loving preschool. I was a little worried that she wasn't catching on because at home she gets so distracted. However, her teacher says that she is doing Great and will be more than ready for Kindergarten next year. She has a ton of little friends her age that she gets to see regularly (I feel bad for Seth because there aren't any boys his age.)
Chloe is the little Mother, it's very funny. She will get onto Seth and Sydney but also try and comfort them when they are sad, it is so sweet. The other day I threatened Sydney with a spanking and before I knew it Chloe was over taking care of it for me with a very stern No! It was Hilarious! She is officially a BIG GIRL not is size still only 23 lbs. but she has conquered the potty much to my surprise...I have no secret just that she wants to be like her big sister so badly that with enough prodding it actually stuck. Because she is still so tiny most her pants slide right off her. She really needed the extra padding from a diaper:) She is a very social little girl and loves to give anyone loves. She will not watch T.V. even when I desperately need to distract her the only thing that will work is her Brother and Sister, she adores them. This Chloe after she got into my makeup!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I kinda like him..

He makes me happy...even though he is leaving tomorrow:( I know you will do great at your interveiw. Good luck!

About Me

Enjoy a look through my Lens!

Seth Boy

Seth Boy

Sassy Sis

Sassy Sis

Clo Bug

Clo Bug